
@Werribee UC

Family Worship every Sunday at 9:30am

Worship drawing on the best Uniting Church traditions, including a variety of musical styles. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

Lisu Christian Fellowship at 12:30pm
Lisu members and the wider Lisu community gather in fellowship at Werribee UC to worship in their indigenous language. This fellowship also enriches the wider Church family by sharing their unique culture.

Dinka Fellowship at 2:00pm
Sudanese members and the wider Sudanese community gather in fellowship at Werribee UC to worship in their indigenous language. This fellowship also enriches the wider Crossroads family by sharing their unique culture.

Aged Care Communities
On various weekdays in the month, Werribee UC leads regular worship services in a number of local Aged Care communities, giving opportunity to those who would otherwise miss out. Supporters from the congregation are always welcome to assist in this special offering of worship.

Please check out What’s On page for actual dates and times. Sometimes dates may change due to holidays, special events or unforeseen circumstances.